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New Golborne Road Bridge

New look for Golborne Bridge

The somewhat dilapidated Golborne Road Bridge, which crosses the railway line at the end of Golborne Road, is to get a complete makeover, using a design chosen by Golborne residents and businesses.

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea held a two-day public consultation in May which offered people four different designs to choose from. The results are now in, and the people of Golborne have chosen the option illustrated above..

The consultation attracted 359 votes and the design chosen had a narrow majority with 119 votes. One of the people that chose the winning design commented, "I like this design because I think it reflects the lifestyle around this bridge which is modern and multicultural"..

Golborne Forum chair, Susie Parsons, said, Golborne Forum chair, Susie Parsons, said, “Local people have spoken up for a bright new look for the bridge..

"It's a great pity, though, that Network Rail and the Council seem determined to replace the iron pilasters of the bridge with plastic ones. We want them to respect the integrity of this cast-iron structure, which is an important part of Golborne's architectural heritage.".

Golborne Ward Councillor Emma Dent Coad said, "I'm very glad to see that after nearly three years of impassioned debate on the bridge, we were able to stop the one item that was universally loathed - the wavy plastic panels. While personally I don't like any of the designs, I am very pleased that democracy has triumphed and that 359 local people have had their say.".

Terry Oliver, Environment Manager at the Council said, "It’s great so many local residents and businesses took part in the consultation and a design has been chosen. I am looking forward to seeing the design realised.”.

Although the bridge is actually owned by Network Rail, it is the Council that will be carrying out the works. It's hoped these will happen in late summer or early autumn this year, although Network Rail have the final say on the timetable..