Put your Council to the test!
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is currently seeking residents to assess Council council services by acting as mystery shoppers.
The Resident Reviewers Project involves 80 residents telephoning, visiting and emailing Council services asking for help with made up but realistic enquiries. Examples could include calling the Parking Department with a query about parking restrictions, visiting libraries or emailing Council contact addresses. Reviewers rate the quality of their experience to help identify possible service improvements.
If you care about the quality of Council services and would like to put them to the test, why not volunteer. You must be a Borough resident, aged over 18 and available for two or three exercises per year. In return for taking part, you will be rewarded with gift vouchers (typically worth £40 for each excercise).
If you’re interested interested call Gary Wilson on 020 7361 3616 or
email him.